Vakaros manufactures cutting-edge sailing instruments that redefine navigation and performance on the water boasting advanced features like shift tracking and time-to-line making it an indispensable tool for both recreational and competitive sailors.
A parent driven website built to increase awareness and access to alternative teenage sailing platforms across North America. Learn and connect with your local experts and fleets!

KA Sail is the Designer and Distributor of the WASZP and the leader in making world class foiling accessible. The WASZP is the perfect platform to enjoy one-design racing as well as a fun, friendly lifestyle where anything is possible!
The weCAN foil program was created with the mission to get Canadians foiling by providing training opportunities, sailing camps and demo days across the country. WeCANfoil is your first step to flight and an opportunity to get on a pathway to pro.

We make innovative sailing gear that pushes technological boundaries and propels the industry forward. We work with world class athletes and sailing enthusiasts, to capture generations of sailing knowledge within our ranks.
Our mission is to provide fun and exciting WASZP racing across the United States. The WASZP is an affordable, modern, durable, easy to learn and race class that brings a new definition of fun to the sailing world.

Since the launch of SailGP Canada in 2022 and the creation of the WeCANFoil program, the WASZP Canadian Class has not only gained regional strength but has also flourished on the international stage.
McConaghy is the builder of the WASZP.
McConaghy’s continual innovation and investment in new materials and technologies has allowed them to firmly establish their position at the forefront of progressive, high-performance yacht building.

WASZP Global
Visit the OFFICIAL WASZP site for everything you need from training videos and rules guidelines to spare parts and boat orders.